1. Ecological settlement
Organization of an ecological settlement is planned in the territory of BAUERNHOF farmfor a group of people to live in an ecologically clean space in conditions of organic farming.We invite interested couples adapted to life in the country, who have experience inagriculture and are hard-working.
If you are interested, please call +371 (29) 100-686, as well as e-mail to sia-bauernhof@inbox.lv with the note “ecological settlement”.

2. Workers for the farm with accommodation
We invite decent and diligent workers without bad habits to perform the following works:
- care for animals: sheep, hens, geese;
- care for agricultural crops;
- sheep shearing;
- construction, carpenter works, individual works;
- work with agricultural machinery;
- cleaning of territory.
If you are interested, please call +371 (29) 100-686, as well as e-mail to sia-bauernhof@inbox.lv with the note “vacancies”.

3. Workers to Latvia for biological farming
We invite a diligent person who wants to live in nature and work on the land to work in Latvia at a biological farm. The farm breeds sheep, keeps poultry, sows and harvests crops. Experience in farming and caring for animals, ability to drive a small tractor is desirable. We provide accommodation and food! If you are interested, please call +371 (29) 100-686, or write to sia-bauernhof@inbox.lv with the note “vacancies”.